Konferenca “Diaspora Flet” 2023

Lidhja e Diasporës
me Vendet Amë

GERMIN organizon edicionin e tretë të konferencës më të madhe të disaporës shqiptare –  “Diaspora Flet” në Prishtinë, Kosovë, më 18, 19 dhe 20 maj. Nën temën e përgjithshme “Si mund të bashkë-krijojmë” synojmë të diskutojmë dhe nxisim mënyrat e bashkë-krijimit, për përmirësim dhe zhvillimin e vendeve amë. Pas organizimit tejet të suksesshëm të dy edicioneve në vitin 2018 dhe 2020, këtë vit konferenca do të mbledhë bashkë qindra profesionistë, politikëbërës dhe hisedarë nga disapora dhe nga vendet amë, për të diskutuar, prezentuar, dhe shkëmbyer informata, përvoja dhe ide në funksion të bashkë-krijimit për shtetet tona. GERMIN është e përkushtuar të ofrojë një ekosistem të qëndrushëm dhe aktiv për angazhimin e disaporës, prandaj konferenca “Diaspora Flet” është ngjarje identifikuese, e  cila demonstron përkushtimin tonë për të arritur këtë qëllim.

Programi i Diaspora Flet 2023: Më shumë






Martin Russell
Martin RussellAdvisor at The Networking Institute | Diaspora, Networking, and Philanthropy | Ireland
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"GERMIN has fast emerged as an exemplar diaspora organization. Through their creative, fresh and innovative approaches, they have created structures and systems of diaspora engagement that will be formative processes for the diaspora sector for the foreseeable future. Every country working on diaspora needs a GERMIN as their models of work have answered one of the age-old questions of diaspora engagement by building trust through their authenticity of work. I have no doubt their expertise and models will be exported globally very soon. I have had the pleasure of seeing GERMIN grow from pretty much a blank canvas to a leading light for its peers on diaspora work. After spending time with their incredible team, at both an executive and operational level, the future is bright for GERMIN. The energies and expertise that flow through their team, which represents the inherent diversity required for effective impact in the networked 21st century, are a constant source of inspiration for my work. They are just a brilliant bunch led by an ethos and value driven spirit fit for our times. They are doing an incredible job for their region and partners so we should never take them for granted. Therefore, I encourage anyone reading this to support these incredible young people to achieve their aspirations through this incredible organization."
Kingsley Aikins
Kingsley AikinsChief Executive Officer at The Networking Institute Ireland
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"Germin in Kosovo is a really good example of such an organisation who are perfectly placed to turn brain drain into brain gain and brain exchange. Made up of talented and passionate professionals who have researched the potential and identified key Kosovans overseas they have put in place the building blocks and structures to convert sentiment and goodwill into practical projects which will benefit their homeland. Germin have identified global best practice in Diaspora engagement and can become one of the leaders in this field."
Indira Kartallozi
Indira KartalloziFormer Advisory Board Member, UK
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"I have been engaged ever since the early days of Germin on advisory role capacity and this journey with Germin has reawakened my love and connection with Kosova. Apart from that it has presented me with an opportunity to meet some truly inspiring changemakers that I continue working to this day."


"Diaspora Flet" 2023 | "Si mund të bashkë-krijojmë"

Pako Platinum |


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  9. 20 bileta përcjellëse

Pako Diamant |


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  6. Tërheqja e informatave të palëve të interesuara
  7. 10 bileta përcjellëse

Pako a Artë |


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Pako e Argjendtë |


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